On Tuesday I go into hospital for some minor surgery. A common procedure on women and one I have had before (though last time was exploratory, this one is the real deal).
I find myself looking forward to an entire week off work with nothing to do but be waited on and take the drugs the nice people at the hospital will provide me with.
Taking a step back, it seems quite peculiar that in order to allow myself to take an absolute break from life, it takes a hospital visit. That otherwise my enthusiasm to get out there and Do Things would produce guilt that I wasn't having an exciting enough time if I just took a week off work to veg about. Perhaps it's a product of the impending birthday (quick! getting old! better prove that you've made something of yourself. do stuff! do it now!), a product of society (new instant noodles, cooks in just 2 minutes instead of that boring slow 5 minute noodle brand), or a product of me.
And then I stop worrying about the whys and the wherefores and just look forward to spending days in bed, wearing my slippers and my dressing gown all day. Decadent.
Or perhaps I'm just mad. ;)
Nicola! You have what a friend of mine calls twenty-first century disease. She thinks I have it, too. Signs of this malaise are:
1. unable to just veg out without feeling as if one should be doing something productive and better still productive and worth putting on a CV or mentioning in party chit chat.
2. Needing to get ill before feeling able to take time off.
3. Needing to be in hospital before taking time off!
4. Fear and dread of mortality and an ordinary existence which automatically means a boring existence in the 21st C.
Sound familiar anyone??
But all the same - it cannot be removed by surgery...So best enjoy yourself and make that dressing gown really smelly from over-wear.
All the best Nicola - get well soon! And see you for your 30th.
posted on September 30, 2002 3:42 PM by Fleur.Hurrah, at least it's not just me. I'm not the only sick puppy in the district. Heck, someone's even given a name to the symptoms. Fidgeting 'A' type personalities of the world unite!