April 01, 2003

doing it for the kids

Another day at the chalkface and I am still veering between wondering why I thought teaching would be a good idea and wondering what else I would be doing. The disturbing thing about teenagers are that they are such unmodified conductors of the currents of our culture. They sing slogans for fast food chains, eat maccas three or more times a week, have trouble concentrating on anything for more than three seconds and laugh at the poor. On the other hand, there are still that percentage who are into cult films, horseriding, reading, dragons and fantasy, communal uses of teachnology and social justice. Not all at the same time, of course, but enough to make you have hope about what great people they will grow up to be. The question is - if this percentage is always there, regardless of who is teaching them, and if the pecentage of no-brainers is always there as well, what difference does the teacher make?

posted on April 01, 2003 at 06:47 PM by fleur.

but there is also a third middle ground bunch who could sway either way...

and that's where you come in, it's all in the swaying of the percentages at the margins... also I suspect some of the good you'll do for the kids perhaps won't come to the fore till a bit later in their lives anway, and that impact will be greater than you'd think possible

posted on April 3, 2003 12:07 PM by chi.

I think the geeks/social justice/etc bunch need a lot of guidance too. Lots of challenging their assumptions, but also not letting them flounder in nihilism.. well, not without other options anyway.

The teachers who meant the most to me, weren't for the classes which I aced easily. They made much more impact in the grey areas.

posted on April 3, 2003 4:32 PM by Vanessa.

Thanks for the input Chi and Vanessa. I like the idea of having an impact at the margins.

posted on April 4, 2003 5:28 PM by fleur.

Don't despair, Fleur. Yr 7's are great fun, and totally unspoilt...well, McDonalds notwithstanding.

Penny and I are alive and well, totally flat out getting ready to move again (consignment to loony bin soon after), and looking forward to getting back to Melbourne at the end of the year.

We need to decide where exactly to buy a house...cos now that's the plan.

Back on topic....would love to catch up with you, Fleur, and exchange notes. Really hope it's going well.

posted on April 6, 2003 11:09 PM by dave.

we dont need no education.

posted on April 28, 2003 9:42 AM by mr floyd.
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